Achieving Balance: A Channeled Message
Balance may feel like something out of reach at this moment for many of you. There is a general feeling of things being off-kilter and askew that is part of the shifting energies of this moment in time. This is change; an ever-present part of your experience here, although many do not pay close attention to the changes that are happening all the time. It is the true constant, and we can decide how to experience it. Much of how we experience our reality, our surroundings, our relationships is dependent upon what we believe about ourselves, what is permitted, what is possible. This stems from a lifetime (and sometimes multiple lifetimes) of conditioning- our experiences, our education, and our observations- what we have been taught or shown. This conditioning often lies just beneath the surface of our conscious minds. Yet it is undoubtedly influential in how we are feeling, thinking, reacting or experiencing each moment. Bringing this into a level of conscious awareness is critical to achieving the freedom and peace-of-mind we desire. Being present is a requisite for awareness. You cannot be aware without presence, and you cannot be present without awareness. When we speak of awareness, many of you feel pressured to “think” more, to push yourself to be more present- but the level of awareness we are speaking of means doing less, thinking less, pushing less- just being here. If being here means to sit and notice your breath, then so be it. If being here is to feel into an area of discomfort in your body, as unpleasant as the sensation may be, so be it. Allow what is to be here, and allow yourself to attend, become aware of what is. This is the path of the truly awake. Past paradigms have exhorted the need for silence, stillness, rigid almost self-recriminating levels of discipline- this is not necessary, nor helpful. You are here already, you are here now- the key is noticing.
Can you let yourself be here? What keeps you outside of this moment? We are anchored in time by our awareness and focus- are you anchored in the past? In the future? Is there something you are always chasing? Perhaps all is to be found in the now-what if you could bring yourself back into this moment? What might it feel like to be fully you, here? The ego-mind believes in complexity but the Soul knows simplicity. The two are not enemies, (also an old paradigm belief) the two are one. The Soul designed the ego-personality to be the means of experiencing life on Earth. The design is intentional- all that is, was planned, chosen and lovingly curated for you. Being here now helps us to see this design, to feel the connection with the larger world, the celestial and numinous world. Is it not this you are seeking?
We wish to add that balance will be achieved in a variety of ways for each of you. There is no “right” way to find balance. You must ask yourself in the moment, what is needed here? What do I need to care for myself right now? There are times when all that is required is noticing. That’s it! Notice and be. There is often a temptation or a belief that if we notice something then we must address or “fix” it. What if we allow it to be there, in our awareness and not push it, fix it, change it, wish it away or resist it? Knowing all the while you are supported you by the part of you that is connected to all that is- and knows it’s all going to be alright.
Try this exercise: This practice is intended to help you reconnect to the physical body and become more comfortable accessing your intuitive senses that often speak in sensations, thoughts, images, sounds etc. Strengthening your connection to the senses can also help you to be more present, which allows you to respond and attend to your own needs, and fosters greater awareness overall.
Sit or lie down wherever you feel comfortable and supported. If possible place your bare feet on the floor or couch/wherever you try this.
Limit distractions as much as you can while you try this exercise, and life happens so no stress!
Take three deep breaths, not forcing, just slow and easy.
Shift your focus and attention to the physical sensations in the moment. Tune into your sense-body- what do you feel? Coolness? Warmth? Lightness? Heaviness? Where does your attention want to go in your body? Is it calling you to your legs or back? Left-side or Right-side of the body? Can you give the feeling a color? “This feels cool sky blue" for example. Note that we are describing the feeling without placing a value or judgement on what we are perceiving.
Allow your awareness to sit in the area that called you- just be with it. Nothing to fix, change, adjust or alter. Be with it. That’s it. Try this for 2-5 minutes; moving around the body as you feel called. You may stay in one area for the entire time and that’s fine too!